Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pahiyas 2011

One of the must go to fiestas in the Philippines, a whole day of parades, festivities and food! I am definitely going back next year! :)

Every year, the town designates a route in which the houses there will be decked with the grandest design they could think of, on the other streets, normal life goes on.

There was one house that covered their design while the celebrations has not started yet, 
I guess there's additional impact when you have people wait for it!

T-shirts galore! Lots of designs to commemorate the festival!

The day starts with a mass at the church, 
then immediately followed by the parade that will go around the town.

This is also the festival that photographers flock to every year, 
with lots of things happening, the possibilities for a good picture are just everywhere!

 I took some time to capture the local scene as well :)

We had lunch at Juro's
 The streets were literally crowded!

We went home early to avoid the possible traffic that will happen, 
enough time to drop by somewhere for a special treat...

Btw, why do they call it Pahiyas?

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