Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Taiwan Taiwan! The Sights!

The eye is definitely the first sense to please, and during our trip to Taiwan, 
it was definitely eye candy, food immediately comes afterwards though :)
But being a tourist, everything was interesting to me, and I say everything! 
Here are some of the things we saw as went around the city.

The Taiwan 101 was the first thing I thought about when we arrived, 
and it was indeed an impressive sight, 
especially as the peak occasionally hides in the clouds.
There are a lot of parks around, it seems like the senior citizens hang around here a lot,
I think I would hang around here a lot myself, senior or not.
 Wish notes from the recent lantern festival
 This guy makes pretty impressive bubbles, 
but I bet he can do that because of the practice he does everyday, 
not entirely because of the bubble maker he's selling...

 Japanese cartoon inspired lanterns, huge robots and... 
makes sense.

 Just in a conversation

 Sun Yat Sen Memorial

 Daily ceremony at the memorial, these guys do a very coordinated slow march which was fun to watch, 
the beat of their steps make one unified sound.

 Scene at the subway where the kid wants to give the street musician some money perhaps

Everyday sights

Through the gate of gastronomical bliss!

Night Market Scenes

Probably most people living there would take the scenes for granted, 
that's what happens when you grow familiar to a place, 
I say keep yourself curious and your eyes open, and everything can be interesting.

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